Computer Cleanup - Virus & Malware Removal

$99 Flat Fee Infection Removal
Once a computer gets infected with a virus or piece of malicious software, the number of infections multiply. These types of software open up connections to your computer allowing other programs to creep right in and take up residence. As the infections increase, your computer's resources get consumed and the performance you had grown to expect degrades rapidly. It now takes longer to open programs, switch between tasks, send email, or even browse the internet. Our technicians will remove all discovered infections via remote access or on-site when necessary.
Call now, 866.736.4726, and put an end to slow computer frustrations!
An Ounce of prevention

Be Proactive
When a device is connected to the world, it becomes susceptible to attacks. Viruses and Malware, short for malicious software, are all over the internet and constantly bombard your device attempting to spread their infections. Every device online has an address, like a home or building. And like a home / building has doors and windows, each device has entry points known as ports. Any port that is open is a potential gateway for spreading infections. The best way to keep your devices free from infections is to:
- Close unnecessary ports using a firewall.
- Install and regularly update Antivirus software, Malware protection and your device's operating system patches.
- Remain vigilant, pay attention to what is one the screen and read before you click.
Antivirus / Malware Protection

Software we use and recommend
Symantec, McAfee, Bitdefender, Kaspersky and MalwareBytes are only some of the tools we use to protect devices from infection and cleanse those that get infected. Several of the manufacturers offer free virus scans online or trial versions of their software. Battling the spread of online threats is everyone's responsibility. Like the common cold to humans, an infected device can spread its infection to any other device in which it comes into contact.
- Bitdefender: web | free online scan
- Kaspersky: web | free online scan & trials
- Malwarebytes: web | free & paid versions
- McAfee: web | free online scan & trials
- Norton: web | free trial
- Symantec: web | free trial